'The Boss' Took Orders: Steinbrenner Informed on the Mob

The Associated Press and other news organizations requested the FBI file under the Freedom of Information Act following Steinbrenner's death in July. The first release was made last December. The two releases combined totaled about 800 pages, the Times reported.
Yes, "The Boss" took orders. Steinbrenner was a secret FBI informant from 1978 to 1983, and even authorized Yankee Stadium to serve as a platform on which to conduct mafia arrests, according to website LA Late.
A 1988 FBI memo says that Steinbrenner agreed to use Yankee Stadium for the staging of over 500 gambling raids against a major organized crime syndicate in New York City. A different site was ultimately chosen.
In total, it appears Steinbrenner was involved in “two national security matters” and one “sensitive security matter,” according to FBI reports.
In total, it appears Steinbrenner was involved in “two national security matters” and one “sensitive security matter,” according to FBI reports.
Steinbrenner went in an “undercover operation” on the single security matter, which ended in a conviction for the person(s). The outcome of the “two national security matters” was not detailed.
Steinbrenner’s attorneys were reportedly concerned about his involvement, writing the FBI in 1987 that “he knows that he placed the lives of his family and himself in jeopardy through being involved in a terrorist matter.”
Steinbrenner pleaded guilty in 1974 to a conspiracy to funnel corporate campaign contributions to politicians, and to making a "false and misleading" explanation of a $25,000 donation to Nixon's campaign and trying to influence and intimidate employees of his shipbuilding company to give that false information to a grand jury, the Times reported.
Five years after his conviction, Steinbrenner sought a pardon.
Steinbrenner’s attorneys were reportedly concerned about his involvement, writing the FBI in 1987 that “he knows that he placed the lives of his family and himself in jeopardy through being involved in a terrorist matter.”
Steinbrenner pleaded guilty in 1974 to a conspiracy to funnel corporate campaign contributions to politicians, and to making a "false and misleading" explanation of a $25,000 donation to Nixon's campaign and trying to influence and intimidate employees of his shipbuilding company to give that false information to a grand jury, the Times reported.
Five years after his conviction, Steinbrenner sought a pardon.

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