Gangster was rubbed out after botching work on Vinny Gorgeous mansion says mob rat

A young gangster was marked for death after botching work on former Bonanno boss Vincent (Vinny Gorgeous) Basciano's waterfront mansion, a mob rat testified Tuesday.
Government witness Dominick Cicale told jurors victim Randolph Pizzolo did a good job excavating the Schurz Ave. site in the Bronx, but then bit off more than he could chew with the rest of the project: He forgot to hook up French drains in the foundation.
"Vinny was very angry, especially because one of the houses was his," Cicale said on the stand in Brooklyn Federal Court. Then bricklayers made a mess of the white brick. "It was horrible; Vinny had a fit," Cicale recalled.
There were imperfections in the foundation - a barrel sticking out of one footing and a piece of plywood in another. Finally the carpenters were ready to walk because Pizzolo wasn't paying them.
"'That's it! This kid's going!'" Basciano decreed in Nov. 2004.
"We were going to kill Randy," Cicale said, translating Basciano's order.
Cicale tried to buy Pizzolo time but said that after he disrespected the entire Bonanno crime family during a drunken tirade, there was no saving him.
Soon after, Basciano was arrested for racketeering and murder but his order remained in place with successor Michael Mancuso. Cicale put together the hit team that shot up Pizzolo in Brooklyn. He then attended a Nets game in courtside seats to give himself a televised alibi.
"I had to live with it because my first loyalty was to Vinny," Cicale said.
And this is the coded message Basciano received to let him know the job was done: "'[Mancuso] had me take care of the footings and foundations.' I knew Vinny would relate that to Randy Pizzolo," Cicale said.

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