Bonanno Boss was known as Johnny Bravo on the street
There is alot in the papers about Vincent Basciano's trial, much of it old news, with the testimony of Dominick Cicale. But one new factoid from the testimony is the word that Basciano was known on the street as "Johnny Bravo," a take on the cartoon character with the pompadour hairstyle. Basciano is a fastideous groomer, his hair neatly combed. As noted in the Daily News and New York Post, Cicale testified about the night murder victim Randolph Pizzolo died. Cicale testified that he was at a New Jersey Nets game as a cover, the Post stated and got word of the murder with the beeper code 7-11. Cicale also testified that Basciano was so angry with the shoddy construction work of Pizzolo and his other problems that he wanted him killed, but then backed off when Cicale changed Basciano's mind. It seems like the order to kill Pizzolo was revived with Michael Mancuso, Cicale said, according to the News and Post.

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