Judge to Gambino wiseguy: clean up your act or end up dead

Federal Judge Sterling Johnson Jr. told mobster John Micali that if he doesn’t change course, he’ll wind up either "spending a lot more time in correctional institutions or end up as a chalk mark on a New York City street."
"This is not a young man’s game," Johnson told the Gambino associate in Brooklyn federal court.
He then sentenced the 39-year-old repeat offender to serve one year in prison for violating his federal probation.
Last week, Micali was sentenced to an additional two years in federal prison for stealing Blackberry Storm and Apple iPhones at JFK Airport that were awaiting shipment to Asia.
Micali was a member of the infamous "Night Drop Crew," a Mafia-linked gang that specialized in bank burglaries and operated from 1993 to 2003.
The mobster is married to the daughter of former Lucchese crime family acting boss Louis "Louie Bagels" Daidone

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