Mob Wives: “Shadow of the Bull” Casts Drita Back Into Attack Mode!
The evening of “Mob Wives” which airs on VH1 Sunday evenings was setting up for the season finale which will be next week. Renee found out that Junior has been stringing her along again, but it seems everyone else was able to see it coming except for Renee who is now feeling like the “Junior Welcome Mat.” She decides to take charge of her life after receiving an invitation to be the wardrobe designer for Ghostface Killah, a New York rapper, which means she has something to divert her attention away from Junior and allow her money for the tight budget she is experiencing. If her budget is so tight, how can she afford plastic surgery, extravagant eating out all the time, and the house she lives in? As she tosses him to the curb, one has to wonder how long it will be this time before he weasels his way back into her life with more pathetic lies and professions of love and commitment.
Joe Facciolo has gotten out of prison after six years. Carla and twins, Joe Jr. and Carmen, drive to fetch him from the clinker and deliver him to the halfway house where he must stay until he can show a permanent place of residence and a stable job. We already know he is not moving back in with Carla and the kids since she has called it quits and has a boyfriend. Joe tells the children he was in jail, which they seem to be fine with, but fall apart when they discover he cannot come home. It seems Carla did not see that coming when dropping him off, so the kids call daddy to calm the fears. Although Aleeah (Drita’s daughter) is happy that the Facciolo twins father, Joe, is getting out of jail, she becomes even more adamant about knowing when her own father, Lee, will be released. His reply to her question was “soon,” to which she flatly tells him “soon is not good enough!” Ouch!
Drita and Karen meet for drinks to make sure the air is cleared after the brawl a couple weeks ago. A few days later, they meet once more for dinner when Karen gives Drita a copy of the first chapter of her book which is titled “Shadow of the Bull.” Drita takes it but when she meets with Carla for breakfast, she confesses she is uncertain whether or not she should read it because she does not trust Karen. Drita states that following the confrontation where Karen told her she was going to include some information about Lee, even though it is most likely insignificant and unrelated to the issues the book is supposed to be about (i.e. her life with “Sammy the Bull”), she will go into attack mode if it contains anything which affects her family, meaning if there is anything in there about Lee, Drita will be on the warpath…and Karen better make sure she has someone watching her back! Drita starts to get cranked up!
The glimpse of the finale suggests it will be a “knockdown, drag out” fist fest with cussing and yelling to match as the claws come out in a catfight between Drita and Karen as Drita finds out what is contained in the first chapter of the book. Don’t forget to return next week to find out all the sort details of what transpires during the finale and what is suspected to be brought into season two!

Joe Facciolo has gotten out of prison after six years. Carla and twins, Joe Jr. and Carmen, drive to fetch him from the clinker and deliver him to the halfway house where he must stay until he can show a permanent place of residence and a stable job. We already know he is not moving back in with Carla and the kids since she has called it quits and has a boyfriend. Joe tells the children he was in jail, which they seem to be fine with, but fall apart when they discover he cannot come home. It seems Carla did not see that coming when dropping him off, so the kids call daddy to calm the fears. Although Aleeah (Drita’s daughter) is happy that the Facciolo twins father, Joe, is getting out of jail, she becomes even more adamant about knowing when her own father, Lee, will be released. His reply to her question was “soon,” to which she flatly tells him “soon is not good enough!” Ouch!
Drita and Karen meet for drinks to make sure the air is cleared after the brawl a couple weeks ago. A few days later, they meet once more for dinner when Karen gives Drita a copy of the first chapter of her book which is titled “Shadow of the Bull.” Drita takes it but when she meets with Carla for breakfast, she confesses she is uncertain whether or not she should read it because she does not trust Karen. Drita states that following the confrontation where Karen told her she was going to include some information about Lee, even though it is most likely insignificant and unrelated to the issues the book is supposed to be about (i.e. her life with “Sammy the Bull”), she will go into attack mode if it contains anything which affects her family, meaning if there is anything in there about Lee, Drita will be on the warpath…and Karen better make sure she has someone watching her back! Drita starts to get cranked up!
The glimpse of the finale suggests it will be a “knockdown, drag out” fist fest with cussing and yelling to match as the claws come out in a catfight between Drita and Karen as Drita finds out what is contained in the first chapter of the book. Don’t forget to return next week to find out all the sort details of what transpires during the finale and what is suspected to be brought into season two!

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