Whitey Bulger's crime family tree
As the boss of the Winter Hill Gang, Bulger was one piece of a criminal enterprise that had its fingers in lots of pies. The Irish mob organization is responsible for killing dozens of people.
His crime family tree included some nasty characters
Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi was Bulger's number two. Like Bulger, an FBI informant. When arrested in 1995 on racketeering charges he claimed he had a green light and immunity from the FBI for crimes short of murder. He was sentenced to ten years in prison - a case that led to murder charges. In 2004 he pleaded guilty to ten murders in a deal that took the death penalty off the table.
John Martorano was a Bulger hit man. He's admitted 20 killings. Martorano turned government witness after learning Bulger and Flemmi were FBI informers. In 1999 he cut a plea deal that sent him to prison until 2007. His testimony implicated Bulger and Flemmi in killings in Oklahoma and Florida - crimes that could be punishable by death.
Kevin Weeks was the henchman Bulger wanted to succeed him. He was arrested in 1999 - turned government witness and led investigators to the bodies of eight murder victims. He pleaded guilty to involvement in five Bulger-ordered killings. He saerved five years and wrote a book,"Brutal: The Untold Story of My Life Inside Whitey Bulger's Irish Mob.''

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