Former Junior Gotti lawyer accused of working as 'house counsel' to drug ring

Jeffrey Lichtman is accused of taking $150,000 to represent members of a drug crew.
The feds say a prominent criminal defense lawyer is "house counsel" to a drug organization run by hip hop mogul James "Jimmy Henchman" Rosemond.
Jeffrey Lichtman, who once represented former Gambino crime boss John A. (Junior) Gotti, is in the cross-hairs of federal prosecutors who say he pocketed $150,000 in cash from Rosemond to represent him and other members of the drug crew.
Although Licthtman filed the necessary IRS forms to report cash payments over $10,000 received in business or trade, he may have too many other conflicts to continue representing Rosemond who was arrested last month on federal drug charges.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Kaminsky also contends in court papers that Licthman may have obstructed justice by tampering with witnesses who were considering cooperating against Rosemond.
"I'm deeply disappointed that the government is seeking to disqualify me from Jimmy's case in an effort to make their path to conviction easier," Lichtman said Tuesday. "My offer to take a polygraph test on all allegations made by one of their witnesses was denied and instead they conveniently rely on a career criminal who they have admitted lied to them in debriefings."
The prosecutor said Rosemond's legitimate work in the music industry does not involve cash payments so the government would argue to a jury that it is evidence of his involvement in a massive, bi-coastal cocaine trafficking ring.

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