Mobsters relationship with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney

In April 2004 I attended a Celtics/Pacers playoff game at Fleet Center with then Governor Mitt Romney. I won't say how this happened or comment on our relationship but I will say this. Within weeks of that game Christopher C. Rich was appointed CEO of Hubbard Regional Hospital, a state owned hospital in Webster Ma and I was appointed DIRECTOR OF SECURITY for the same hospital.
The funny part about this is the fact that neither one of us applied for these jobs. How I got the director of security position is nothing short of a miracle. I was just released from federal prison a month earlier, I was on federal probation, I had a conviction for armed robbery and gun possession in 1991 and I was a known mob associate that was under investigation on a bookmaking case at the time and had my phones tapped from the Mass state police.
Chris Rich took a salary of $1 and loves to tell people he did it out of the goodness of his heart.... The real story is that when he took the CEO job he got all of the collection work for the hospital which amounted to millions of dollars. This hospital had more dirty dealing going on than the mens room at Suffolk Downs race track.
It all blew up of course when someone from the Board of Directors, who knew something was amiss, did a little homework and checked on my backround. Within a few weeks there was article in the Boston Globe about it and that was the end of my Director of Security position.
Once Mitt Romney made it public he wouldn't be running for re election the Board of Directors fired Christopher C. Rich and gave him ten minutes to clean out his desk and get out of the building.
Then Christopher Rich tried to leave me holding the bag. That didn't work out to well though. After my conviction we found out my phones were tapped and the rest is history as they say.
Please vote for MITT ROMNEY in the Presidential election. I'm hoping for the DIRECTOR OF HOMELAND SECURITY job.....LOL
If you would like to hear this story from top to bottom you will have to wait for my book to come out DIRTY MONEY available soon but to see my fox interview on the wire tap case just follow this link, its a good story.

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