Reputed mobster Anthony Durso whines to judge: Curfew is putting crimp in my social, dating life

Anthony Lanzilote for News
Mobster Anthony (Baby Fat) Durso is looking for a little love.Reputed Colombo associate Anthony Durso wants a judge to remove a 7 p.m. curfew so he can do what any other red-blooded, single Italian male living in Brooklyn wants to do.
"He goes home and eats dinner with his mother and stepfather and then has to stay home every night with them," his lawyer Mathew Mari wrote in a letter to Brooklyn Federal Judge Kiyo Matsumoto.
"He is a 27-year-old man and would like to have some leisure time away from his parents and his home," Mari continued. "He would like to leave his home after work and perhaps go on a date or just go out of the house."
For those ladies who might be interested, here's the dossier on Durso:
First the nickname - it's derived from his close association with fellow Colombo gangster Ilario (Fat Larry) Sessa.
Durso is gainfully employed by the city Sanitation Department, but that may not be true for much longer. He's facing up to 33 months in prison when he's sentenced in November.
Although Mari describes his client as a "teddy bear," prosecutors paint a more ominous picture of the 300-pound man.
Durso pleaded guilty to participating in the assault of a deadbeat who was past due on loanshark payments. Sessa was also present and carrying a knife, according to court papers. Durso is also known to have possessed a firearm that was going to be used in Sessa's mob induction ceremony, according to court papers.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Allon Lifshitz is urging the judge to keep the curfew in place "to minimize the defendant's ability to commit crimes."
Durso declined to comment Wednesday afternoon outside his parents' Dyker Heights home.
In an interview Wednesday, Mari pointed out that even his client's probation officer doesn't think a curfew is necessary. The lawyer insisted his request is not about getting Durso female companionship.
"He has no girlfriend and there's no girl he wants to see," Mari told the Daily News. "Why should he have to stay home with his mom and dad?"

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