Al Capone's son threatened hit on Sen. Ted Kennedy weeks after Robert Kennedy's assassination: FBI

The 1968 threat, made into a payphone in a Miami-area restaurant, was revealed in a newly-released portion of the Massachusetts senator's FBI file and is guaranteed to goose conspiracy theories about the Mob and the Kennedys.
Much like the first half of Ted Kennedy's FBI file, the newly-released portion is almost entirely composed of various threats against the youngest Kennedy brother.
The Capone threat is notable because of the persistent theories that the mob had something to do with the 1963 assassination of President Kennedy.
According to a report in the FBI file, at about 9:20 p.m. on June 24, 1968, a man overheard 50-year-old Albert Capone, known as Sonny, make a call from a public payphone at the New England Oyster House, a famous restaurant in Coral Gables, Fla.
At one point during the conversation, the listeners told the FBI he said, "If Edward Kennedy keeps fooling around he was going to get it, too."
Another patron, a cashier and a waitress also heard the call, the FBI report says.
Capone identified himself when he asked the operator to bill the call to his Palm Island home and "appeared intoxicated," the report states.
The FBI alerted the Secret Service and the Miami cops, but does not appear to have investigated the call any further.
Mario Puzo used Sonny Capone's name for the first-born son of his fictional Godfather, but that was the only similarity to real life.
By all accounts, Sonny Capone - who died in 2004 - lived an unremarkable and lawful life, working various job including florist and tire salesman.
His father, Alphonse Capone, died in 1947 in the 14-room Palm Island estate where his son grew up.

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