Feds: Enrico Ponzo didn’t tell court about cash stash
Prosecutors hoping to strengthen their case against an accused Hub mobster with a perjury indictment are looking to lay their hands on the sealed financial disclosures a federal judge relied on to determine Enrico Ponzo is broke and needs taxpayers to pick up the dime for his defense.

The FBI found $102,020 in cash and $65,000 in gold coins inside an ammo can that Kelly Verceles, a tenant of the former fugitive, hid after breaking into a safe of Ponzo’s that was buried in cement at his cattle ranch in Idaho, according to an FBI affidavit filed Friday in U.S. District Court.
“It is likely that Ponzo did not disclose to the court . . . that he had such a large amount of assets,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office told Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton in its motion for access to his financial history. “Committing perjury, perpetrating a fraud on this court and defrauding the public are serious matters.”
Verceles, 39, a heavy equipment mechanic, is going on trial Friday in Idaho on state charges of conspiracy, burglary and grand theft, even though he is taking care of Ponzo’s house.
Fearing a break-in by treasure seekers and lookie loos, Verceles told the Herald yesterday, “My intention was to dig it up and bury it someplace else. I wasn’t going to steal anything.”
Ponzo’s lawyer declined comment yesterday.

The FBI found $102,020 in cash and $65,000 in gold coins inside an ammo can that Kelly Verceles, a tenant of the former fugitive, hid after breaking into a safe of Ponzo’s that was buried in cement at his cattle ranch in Idaho, according to an FBI affidavit filed Friday in U.S. District Court.
“It is likely that Ponzo did not disclose to the court . . . that he had such a large amount of assets,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office told Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton in its motion for access to his financial history. “Committing perjury, perpetrating a fraud on this court and defrauding the public are serious matters.”
Verceles, 39, a heavy equipment mechanic, is going on trial Friday in Idaho on state charges of conspiracy, burglary and grand theft, even though he is taking care of Ponzo’s house.
Fearing a break-in by treasure seekers and lookie loos, Verceles told the Herald yesterday, “My intention was to dig it up and bury it someplace else. I wasn’t going to steal anything.”
Ponzo’s lawyer declined comment yesterday.

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