Natale mistress Ruthann Seccio tapes "I Married A Mobster"
Ruthann Seccio, the mistress, or "goomah," of former mob boss Ralph Natale, was just filmed for an upcoming episode of "I Married a Mobster," which airs on Discovery. Executive producer Dan Pearson contacted former longtime Daily News reporter Kitty Caparella looking for women in the mob for the show, and Caparella, who was also interviewed in New York for the episode, recommended Seccio.
Kevin Kaufman, of Kaufman Films, shot Ruthann telling her complicated life story from abandonment as a child to becoming the mistress of Natale, who then abandoned her when he cooperated with the FBI, as mobsters threatened to kill her since they couldn't murder him.
A film crew is expected to soon film in town for the episode, which has no airdate set. Pearson and Kaufman produce "I Married a Mobster," along with "Sopranos" actress Lorraine Bracco, who introduces the show.

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