83 year old Gambino soldier wants probation lifted so he can enjoy his life

An octogenarian wiseguy once close to the Gotti family has asked a judge to end his probation early so he can start enjoying a slower life.
Jerome Brancato, an 83-year-old reputed soldier in the Gambino crime family now wants to travel to warmer climes, spend time at his Fort Lauderdale vacation home, and visit relatives - such as his brother in Canada.
But the rules of his federal probation keep him from traveling outside the New York City metropolitan area.
Once a trusted lieutenant to Peter Gotti - the Dapper Don's brother - Brancato continued living a wiseguy's life well into the autumn of his life, authorities say.
To buttress his argument for early termination from probation, Brancato cites a litany of health issues that he says would be eased by life under the Florida sun.
But federal probation officers oppose the request, citing his three "convictions for criminal activities associated with the Gambino crime family - two of which transpired" while he was on probation, they allege in court papers.
Brooklyn federal Judge Jack Weinstein has not ruled on the issue yet.
Whether he would be sympathetic to the concept of early retirement is unclear.
Weinstein, who is 90 years-old, is considered by attorneys to be one of the hardest working judges in New York City.
And he hasn't retired yet.

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