FBI apprehends former Gambino associate who went on the run in Brooklyn

A former mob associate wanted for a bank robbery in Brooklyn last year — after his release from prison for robbing more than 20 banks in the 1990s — was arrested on Sunday in Brooklyn, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said Monday.
Michael Wilson writes on crimes in the city.
The ups and downs of Mr. Mannino’s life were reported in a recent Crime Scene column, beginning with a Deep South sojourn in his 20s, when he went to work at an uncle’s pizzeria in tiny Sylvester, Ga. There, he found love and married, and the Brooklyn boy endeared himself to his in-laws. The marriage ended in divorce, but he is still fondly remembered in parts of town.
“I’m glad to get him off the street, but I hate to see him back in there,” said Nancy Ethredge, 64, his former mother-in-law, referring to his return to prison in a telephone interview from Sylvester. “He did have his chance. You can’t steal from people. You have to get out there and make an honest living.”
“I still love him,” she said.
After Mr. Mannino left Georgia and returned to Brooklyn, he was identified as a Gambino family associate by the F.B.I. He also came to be known as the “Seven-Second Bandit,” for his signature threat to tellers: give me the money or the bomb in the shoe box in my hand will explode in seven seconds.
He was convicted and served more than a decade in prison, where he developed colon cancer and required adult diapers after surgery.
Mr. Mannino was released from a halfway house last year. On Dec. 29, he and a second man, Gary Fama, robbed a Capital One Bank in Bensonhurst, the F.B.I. said. Mr. Fama was arrested in February.

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