FBI hitmen got away with murder

These mob hit men killed while on the taxpayers’ dime.
Bloodthirsty informants in the Colombo family pocketed six-figure sums for snitching to the feds — and got away with murder when FBI agents looked the other way, a shocking report to Congress claims.
The explosive allegation comes from crusading researcher Angela Clemente, a New Jersey soccer mom dubbed “G-mom” who has been probing the FBI’s handling of informants — and nearly got rubbed out herself.
Clemente became a paid forensic investigator after a man who attacked her daughter was found not guilty on a technicality. She was recruited to work for the House Government Reform Committee in 2002 and has been helping on mob cases ever since.
In 2006, Clemente, 47, was choked and left for dead after an assailant lured her to a meeting at a mall in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, with the promise of a tip.
She recovered but is now suffering from a life-threatening liver disease that has reduced her to a mere 100 pounds. “I absolutely need a liver now, but I’m low on the transplant list,” said Clemente.
But her investigative work helps, she said. “It keeps my brain functioning, and my heart goes out to the victims who died. I want to help their families.”
Clemente’s new information involves a host of wiseguys and their secret, lucrative deals with the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn.
The allegations show “a culture of corruption,” said Clemente, who is pushing ahead with her research for Congress despite her disease.
They were told “these guys [were committing] murders and rewarding them in payment and reduced sentences — with absolutely no regard for the victims and their families.”
Clemente, whose digging led to the indictment of allegedly corrupt former FBI supervisor Lindley DeVecchio, sent her findings last week to lawmakers, including Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee. The information is being “reviewed and considered,” his spokesperson said.
She blasts the FBI for what amounted to an unholy alliance that left a trail of bodies, including goodfellas and innocent victims.
Clemente claims Colombo wiseguys Gregory “Grim Reaper” Scarpa, Phillip “Philly Boy” Paradiso and Frankie “Blue Eyes” Sparaco got government checks while whacking foes in the 1980s and 1990s.
“We have proof [FBI agents] were allowing these guys to commit murder,” Clemente said. “They can’t say they didn’t know.”
Current and former law-enforcement sources detailed some of the crimes. Scarpa, who claimed he murdered more than 50 people before his death in 1994, delivered a close-range kill shot in the 1984 slaying of mob moll Mary Bari, a stunner who dated Colombo acting boss Alphonse “Allie Boy” Persico.
Persico, then on the lam, worried that Bari was going to rat on him, so he ordered the hit and Scarpa did the job, sources said.
Two of Sparaco’s victims in 1992 “definitely were not mobsters,” said a former investigator.
Michael Devine, who co-owned a Staten Island restaurant, was killed for making the mistake of dating Persico’s estranged wife.
A successful candy-store owner in Bay Ridge, who was friendly with Scarpa, got rubbed out because he refused to help fund the Persico faction’s internal war with their Colombo rivals, one source said.
Sparaco was implicated by other turncoats in both homicides, which remain unsolved. He had pointed the finger at others.
Last year, the feds acknowledged in court papers that Sparaco lied and misled them during his years of cooperation, which Clemente says began in the mid-1980s.
The FBI denied Clemente’s allegations.
“No FBI informant committed crimes with the knowledge, much less the approval, of the FBI,” said spokesman James Margolin.

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