Mobsters arent made like Al Capone anymore

Here’s how things have changed in organized crime.
Back during the Depression, Al Capone was the welfare system in Chicago. He ran his own soup kitchens.
Now, the gangsters themselves are on welfare.
We have all these busts this week, and what have we learned from the gang of Juan “White Boy” Guzman? For one thing, they’re not just a “crime” family, they’re a welfare family.
White Boy’s future mother-in-law — she’s on “Social Security” (more likely SSI or SSDI) and lives in a “subsidized apartment.” Think Sect. 8. According to her lawyer, she “does try to get housecleaning jobs from time to time.” I’ll bet. When was the last time she filed quarterly estimated tax statements?
Providence has always been mobbed up. Raymond Patriarca operated out of the National Cigarette Service Company on Federal Hill. His successor, Baby Shanks, had a Laundromat.
This larger drug gang that was mixed up with White Boy — their Providence contact ran the Mango Bar & Grill. And the boss wasn’t some guy named Raymond or Luigi either. The Mango’s proprietor was one Thevenyn Nova.
In a gang where at least one of the members was a once-deported illegal alien — pardon me, “new American” — you will be shocked to know that multiple driver’s licenses were the norm.
From the 97-page DEA affidavit on the larger gang:
“Chala bears no resemblance to the RMV photograph (on his license) ... In addition to the name BONILLA, agents were also able to locate two additional MA driver’s licenses with ‘Chala’s’ photograph, under the names Erich Diaz and Jonathan C. Parilla, both of which have criminal records related to drug trafficking.”
Try not to let this destroy your faith in the security measures of the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
In the new gangs, discipline isn’t quite what it used to be. On June 12, a fellow named Kelmyn Mejia leaves the lovely city of Lawrence on his way to Providence with an alleged 130 grams of heroin in the car. The old-timers might have had a crash car travelling behind the drug vehicle, to ram any cop car that tried to pull over the mule.
None of that for Mejia. He gets out of I-495 by himself and guns the car up to 80 mph. Blue lights appear, the rest of memorialized in the DEA affidavit.
The Mafia bosses used to talk about “the old country.” Now, the new Americans talk about making a pickup in Costa Rica, only they call it the land “where the pineapples and yuccas are.”
One thing that’s no different? The new crowd’s texts are just as illiterate as everybody’s else. Here’s Toribio looking for some people:
“Heyyy Kathy wassup I need to get in contact with Onassi or mike if u have any of there numbers please.”
You wanna know wassup, Toribio? You have the right to remain silent ...

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