Big Ang's son AJ avoids jail and gets sentenced to rehab

The son of a "Mob Wives" star Angela "Big Ang" Riola admitted Tuesday to being a part of a drug-selling crew, but he dodged jail time by agreeing to rehab.
Anthony "AJ" Donofrio, 23, whose mom headlines the mafia-themed reality show, got the sweet deal even as prosecutors insisted he belongs in prison.
He was busted two months ago with three pals and charged with selling cocaine last December in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
"The clinical staff determined that Mr. Donofrio does have a substance abuse problem," said Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Ann Ferdinand.
"Clearly, he has an addiction."
In arguing against the no-jail sentence, prosecutors noted that Donofrio faced up to 25 years in prison and a mandatory-minimum sentence of one to three years.
Treatment programs are better aimed at people with little support and low-level charges — not those with financial means who participated in a drug-selling operation, assistant district attorney Jonathan Laskin said.
"These people should go to jail," Laskin said.
But the judge agreed to accept the deal, sending Donofrio to an in-patient facility for 18 to 24 months. "If you successfully complete the drug treatment, you will not receive any jail sentence," Ferdinand told him.
But if he fails to sober up, he can faces the maximum penalty, Ferdinand said.
Donofrio had a recurring role in the Staten Island-based VH1 series. His famous mom, who got probation in 2003 for similarly selling coke to an undercover cop, was not in court.
His plea came the night after his mom appeared on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” to show off her new diamond ring - a token from her husband - whom she just allowed to move back in with her - of his recommitment to the marriage.
A dozen other relatives made it to court, though. One of them was asked if he has something to say following the favorable and swift resolution. "Have a nice day," the man said and walked away.

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