Jailed Colombo street boss compares himself to Rosa Parks

He’s gone from Colombo crime-family street boss to iconic civil-rights figure.
Thomas “Tommy Shots” Gioeli — who’s cooling his heels in federal lockup while awaiting sentencing on several murder conspiracies — compared himself to Rosa Parks in his latest rambling personal blog post.
The hardened Gioeli beat six murder charges — including one claim that he executed an off-duty NYPD officer — last year, but was convicted on three charges of murder conspiracy.
He’s facing some 20 years behind bars.
The wiseguy’s latest bizarre blog posts all point to his view that he’s been unfairly persecuted — and that other massive injustices of humanity that were once legal are somehow comparable to his own conviction by a Brooklyn federal-court jury.
“When a judge imprisons a man for crimes that he was found not guilty of, it IS the law,” Gioeli complains — in a pointed reference to his own conviction.
He also compares the US Justice Department to Adolf Hitler.
“When Adolf Hitler tortured and slaughtered countless Jews, it was the law,” Gioeli wrote.
“The law does not give the government the right to practice evil, now or ever,” he wrote in an apparent slap at the Brooklyn federal prosecutors who successfully tried him.
Gioeli regularly writes on his blog about federal prosecutors and FBI agents who played a role in his conviction.
“When white men enslaved, tortured and murdered black men, it was the law,” Gioeli posted.

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