JFK's nephew says mobsters killed his uncle

Lee Harvey Oswald at police headquarters in Dallas on the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
A conspiracy of mobsters — and not a lone gunman — probably killed President John F. Kennedy 50 years ago, JFK’s nephew Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in an interview.
Although JFK-killed-by-mob theories have been around for years, it’s
the first time a member of the family has called it likely.
Kennedy told journalist Charlie Rose his theory Friday in a Dallas
opera house two miles from where JFK was killed. His comment came at the
start of a year of observances for the anniversary of JFK’s death.
“The evidence at this point I think is very, very convincing that it
was not a lone gunman,” said Kennedy, whose father, Robert F. Kennedy
Sr., was killed at a Los Angeles hotel in win in the 1968.
Kennedy said his father thought the government’s Warren Commission,
which concluded JFK killer Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, was a “shoddy
piece of craftsmanship.”
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