NYC reaches settlements with families of Mafia Cops victims

The City Law Department has reached tentative settlements with the survivors of mobbed-up victims who were whacked by NYPD Mafia Cops Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa.
Brooklyn Federal Judge Raymond Dearie ordered the plaintiffs’ lawyers in the five remaining wrongful death cases to file their completed paperwork by Aug. 28 or be ready for a civil trial next month.
The terms of the settlements remain confidential, but sources said each plaintiff will receive substantially less than the $5 million the city paid to each of the estates of victims Nicholas Guido and Israel Greenwald, who were not in the mob.
The daughter of reputed Luchese soldier Anthony DiLapi told The Daily News last month that city lawyers shot down her demand for a $2 million payout because her father was a gangster.
The other four gangland victims are Gambino capo Edward Lino, Luchese associate John "Otto" Heidel, Gambino soldier Bartholomew "Bobby" Borriello and painters union leader James Bishop.
A Law Department spokesman said the five suits are not finalized and settled only “in principal.”
Eppolito and Caracappa were convicted of carrying out the hits on behalf of the Luchese crime family and are serving life sentences.
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