Son of jailed Genovese family soldier victim of shooting during drug deal

Antonio Fusco, a 21-year-old Longmeadow resident police say was shot in the Hall of Fame parking lot on May 17 in the midst of a drug deal, was released on $500 bail in Springfield District Court on Wednesday afternoon.
Fusco, the son of Genovese crime family soldier Emilio Fusco, pleaded not guilty to distribution of marijuana. He was arrested at his home Tuesday morning and appeared in court shackled and with his arm in a sling.
A witness told police Antonio Fusco was shot in the shoulder after he began arguing with a prospective buyer in Fusco's car. The "buyer" stuck a gun to a female witness' head and Fusco whacked him with an expandable baton, police records state.
A police department spokesman said the witness account sounded like a hold-up, as opposed to an actual transaction. Police recovered nearly three pounds of marijuana from a backpack in Fusco's car, according to court records.
A pretrial conference was set for July 28.
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