Genovese captain rejects plea deal and prepares for trial in 2018

Accused Genovese mob boss Eugene “Rooster” O’Nofrio has given up on plea talks and is headed to trial for racketeering, his lawyer confirmed on Thursday.
“We want to make the government prove anything they’re alleging against my client,” lawyer Thomas Nooter said following a Manhattan federal court hearing.
Just last month, O’Nofrio, who allegedly ran crews on Manhattan’s Mulberry St. for Conrad Ianniello while he was in prison, was set to plead guilty to the charges against him, including allegations of loansharking and cigarette trafficking.
Instead, he pleaded “not guilty” Thursday to a superseding indictment.
O’Nofrio and reputed Philadelphia mob boss Joey “Skinny Joey” Merlino have been accused of being leaders of what the government has dubbed the East Coast La Cosa Nostra Enterprise, a conglomerate of different mob families working together across multiple states.
They are going on trial Jan. 16.
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