Son of Colombo captain released on $1M bail

The son of reputed Colombo capo Joseph Amato Sr. was granted release on $1 million bail — four days after federal prosecutors objected to his release because he keeps dropping his dad’s name around town.
But Brooklyn federal court Judge Leo Glasser — a bench veteran who presided over the 1992 John Gotti murder trial and other mob cases — said Monday that Joseph Amato Jr. would be allowed out under house arrest because has no criminal record, even if he “comes off as a very tough guy.”
“To my knowledge, 25 years ago, when I dealt in a case with his father has no use here,” Glasser said. “This man has no prior arrests. I’m not suggesting a threat isn’t as serious, but that’s what we have.”
Prosecutors argued the younger Amato has a penchant for throwing out his infamous dad’s name to intimidate people — and once beat a man who told him he didn’t know who his father was.
“Home detention isn’t viable for pretrial for the safety of the community,” Assistant US Attorney Elizabeth Geddes told Glasser Monday. “The defendant has a history of using electronic devices to carry out his threats of violence and it’s hard to supervise.”
“It’s clear the defendant not only turns to his father, he debriefs him and seeks his approval on acts,” she added,
Amato Jr.’s lawyer called comparing “watermelons to oranges.”
“This is not a case for remand. My client has no criminal history, there’s no allegations of violence and no allegations of destruction. They are hypothesizing that somehow, this will lead to violence,” attorney James Froccaro told the judge.
Both Amatos were scooped up last week in a wide-ranging federal sweep alleging criminal activity dating to 2014 — brought on by the elder Amato using a GPS device to keep tabs on his girlfriend that was discovered by the feds.
Amato Jr. was charged with racketeering, conspiracy, extortion and conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
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