January 18, 2011 Dapper_Don
Joseph MassinoAs described in King of The Godfathers, p. 302, both Vincent Basciano and Patty DeFillippo were convicted of racketeering in a federal trial in 2006. The book describes DeFillippo as "Patty From The Bronx." Now, Brooklyn federal prosecutors want to use evidence against Basciano that he wanted to kill DeFillippo. In court papers filed recently, prosecutors are asking Judge Nicholas Garaufis to let that evidence in. It seems now that the Basciano indictement set for trial has been pared down, the feds believe they can use the evidence about the alleged plot against DeFillippo as direct evidence of the conspiracy to murder and murder of Randolph Pizzolo. Essentially the government thinks evidence of the Pizzolo hit, through testimony of Joe Massino and others, would show Basciano's use of violence to maintain and increase his position in the Bonanno family. DeFillippo was never harmed. The defense is expected to file papers in opposition.
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