Man linked to cocaine trafficking out of Queens pizzeria is sentenced to 20 years

The last member of a Queens clan busted for importing $1 million worth of cocaine into the U.S. through their mom-and-pop pizzeria was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday.
Angelo Gigliotti will now join his mother, Eleanora, and father, Gregorio, behind bars for his role in the family drug-trafficking business.
Given the 36-year-old’s criminal history, he had faced anywhere between 20 years and life in prison for his part in the scheme.
Angelo’s wife, Brooke, sniveled in the gallery throughout the proceeding, at times her squeaks louder than Brooklyn Federal Court Justice Raymond Dearie’s statements to the parties.
The father-of-two was so distraught he was nearly unable to speak, instead turning to point at his wife, eyes brimming with tears, as he mumbled “it’s tough, that’s all.”
“Your honor has seen this trial from beginning to end,” defense attorney Gerald McMahon reminded Dearie Thursday. “So your honor has a flavor for the facts of the case, and all of its nuances, as well as insight into the family and all of their foibles.”
“I do believe 20 years is excessive,” Judge Dearie admitted before handing down the steep sentence–which he was obligated to dispense under federal guidelines. “But you’re here by your own hand.

Cucino a Modo Mio pizzeria
“Perhaps I’m the Pollyanna in the crowd, perhaps the family has foibles,” Dearie continued, “But this family also has loyalty.”
“You’ve got to get away from the fast-track,” the jurist told Angelo before nodding to the packed pews. “Because the people in the back deserve it.”
Gregorio Gigliotti–an alleged associate of the Genovese crime family– was previously sentenced to 18 years behind bars, while Eleanora was given 7.
The trio were variously convicted on a slew of charges, including drug dealing, importing and conspiracy, for funneling an estimated 120 kilos of Costa Rican cocaine through their Corona Italian eatery, Cucino a Modo Mio.
The drugs were secreted inside the the flaps of Yucca boxes, prosecutors said. Drug money, guns, ammunition and record books detailing their illicit transactions were also discovered in the restaurant’s back-office.
Angelo has previous convictions for gang assault and marijuana distribution, which contributed to the lofty sentence.
His wife declined comment as she left court.
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